

Hi Eleanor, I DID open junk email from yr address! It simply said "Hi. Open this" with direction to a link! I thank my intuition for alerting me to danger! Opening the email (not the link) caused my cursor to flicker & open windows to freeze. I rebooted and the problem seems to have gone away; we'll see.
Do hope this intrusion has caused you minimal disruption.  All the best.

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 9:18 PM, Eleanor Lohr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hi every contact!

I think that my btinternet email account has been under virus attack, so please don't open any emails from not me!
Gmail seems to be dealing with it, so although I have not been getting mail from other btinternet addresses - they have been going into my spam folder.!

x Eleanor