

Hi (No one)

	We used to have active members in Tasmania. I'm not sure we do now.
If there is any one reading there, just thought I'd say how sorry I am
about the fires! If you are caught up in fires, then it's unlikely
you'll be reading this; I am still sorry.

	I have been meaning to say that and getting distracted by
trivialities -- Icarus falling from the sky and the ploughman

	Recent weather in USA and in Russia has been negatively impressive
and I still manage to moan about rain and overcast. It's been mild in
S E Britain. We'll pay for that when the farmers find that nothing we
regard as nasty has been killed off; but that'll be then. We're not
thinking much about that now; and still we're moaning. I am. Much of
my country has been flooded and I live on a chalk hill

	So, anyway, may the fires stop (Prayer of the godless)
