Dear all,

      Robert White has kindly made us aware of the discussion over the course of the afternoon about the Oxford University-based Atlas of Hillforts in Britain and Ireland (‘Hillforts’) project’s recent request to HER officers across England for permission to draw a subset of data from the datasets recently provided to the EngLaID project, once appropriate licenses have been signed by the Hillforts project. We appreciate, of course, that it will be a matter for each HER to decide whether they would be happy with such a procedure.


Just to clarify:

1.   1.   One of the main intentions of the request to draw a subset of HER data from that provided to the EngLaID project was to ensure that hard-pressed HER officers did not have to run additional overlapping queries.

2.   2.   No data will be passed from the EngLaID project to the Hillforts project until permissions are settled.

3.   3.   The Hillforts project would very much like to work with HER officers and to draw on both their and other local researchers’ expertise, whether via HER forums (national or regional) or on an individual basis. The project is still in its early stages and will be in closer contact with HER officers across the study area in due course.

4.   4.   The Hillforts project also covers Wales, Scotland and Ireland and contact will be made with data holders in those areas in due course.

5.   5.   We very much hope that both projects will be able to work in partnership with local research officers and to offer enhanced data back to the data providers they are working with.


Further information about both projects (scope, aims etc.) can be found at:

Hillforts project:

Englaid project:



Do feel free to contact the researchers on either/both projects if you have any further queries!


Best wishes,

EngLaID and Hillforts projects