

Dear All,

the deadline for the EGU 2013 Abstract Submission is approaching fast.
Let me join the reminders craze and suggest it is the right time to submit to our session. 

GD3.1/SM6.6/TS11.2 Dynamic Processes of Plate Tectonics

The motion and deformation of the lithosphere at surface are fundamentally coupled with the deep dynamics of the Earth. Subduction of oceanic plates at convergent margins and their interaction with the convecting mantle are related to many processes of plate tectonics and planetary cooling. While considerable effort has been recently devoted to understanding the force balance of subduction, the short-term driver of plate tectonics, the relation between the planetary evolution and the long-term processes such as the Wilson cycle, global plate motions reorganizations and the emergence of plate tectonics are highly debated. Our interest is focused on the dynamics of plate tectonics and its relation with the planetary interior, from the regional cases of global relevance to the global studies and to implications for planetary sciences in general. With this session we aim to constrain further the dynamics of the processes involved in plate tectonics, and we solicit contributions from a wide range of disciplines, including geodynamics, tectonics and seismology, from both observational and experimental point of views.

Our Invited Speakers are 
Dr. Jolante van Wijk, University of Houston
Dr. Nicky White, University of Cambridge

Session Conveners:
Fabio A. Capitanio, Monash University, Australia

Gabriele Morra, Seoul National University, Korea

Meghan S. Miller, University of Southern California, USA

Jeroen van Hunen, Durham University, UK

with my apologies for multiple posting,


Fabio A. Capitanio
School of Geosciences
Monash University
Clayton 3800, VIC
tel: +61-3-99053160
fax: +61-3-99054403
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