

Dear all
I'd like to let you know that the latest version of BGS•SIGMAmobile, the British Geological Survey digital geoscience mapping system, was released a few weeks ago and can be found on our website at The customised software is available as a free Open Source download to anyone who wants to use it, although you do need to have your own licences for ArcGIS 10 and MSAccess 2007. If you do use it, we request that you acknowledge its use in any publications on that work, and that you send us any software updates or modifications that you make.

BGS•SIGMAmobile is an ArcGIS and Access based digital mapping system, designed to be used in the field on a Tablet PC. It allows you to record all the data you would normally put on to a fieldslip and into a notebook, including sketches and logs. The system also incorporates toolbars for use in drawing up maps on the desktop PC when you return from the field. Over 1500 licences of the previous versions have been downloaded globally and it is being used by a range of geoscientists all over the world.

If you have any questions about the system, please don't hesitate to contact me. I hope that many of you will download it and find it useful!
Kathryn Goodenough
SIGMA Implementation project leader
British Geological Survey

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