Satra--- can you send the command line?

So a couple of possibilities outside of the random/weird library changes...  and assuming you ran the same parameters--- (i.e. # of threads and same burn in, as well as sampling from both the f1 and f2 population).

The module uses a random seed to start off the Markov Chain module--- which can be set explicitly or more commonly left blank and is set by whatever random number generator they use----   the markv model generally converges after running 5000 or so simulations per voxel... i.e. if you run 10,000 
-P,--nsamples Number of samples - default=5000

vs 5,000--- your output image will roughly have "twice" the intensity as running with 5000...... but the numbers (I don't think) are guaranteed to be exactly accurate...

--rseed Random seed

See if specifying a specific rseed and running it back to back produces the same results...

Just a guess.

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Satrajit Ghosh <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
hi folks,

this is primarily to see if anybody has observed this before and might have some clues for us.

program: probtrackx2 
version: 5.0.2-2 from neurodebian

these were the changes we found related to fsl.
Install: fsl-subthalamic-nucleus-atlas:amd64 (5.0.2-2, automatic)
Upgrade: fsl-atlases:amd64 (5.0.0-2, 5.0.2-2)

(we are trying to see if there are any hardware or other software changes).

we ran probtrackx2 on the same rois two weeks back and again in the last few days.

Main changes: 

1) Waytotal values changed. The new values are reproducible under the seed - target mode, but slightly different from previous values. 

2) The voxel values in the fdt_paths images decreased by 2 - 3 orders of magnitude, at least inside my target ROIs.

3) It looks like that previously, the tracts went into the target stopmask, but currently, they tend to stop (albeit not completely) at the target stopmask.

would the atlas changes have affected this? if not any other thoughts would be much appreciated.



David A Gutman, M.D. Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Senior Research Scientist, Center for Comprehensive Informatics
Emory University School of Medicine