


***Apologies for cross postings***


Digital Curator Vocational Education Europe (DigCurV) Project

Framing the digital curation curriculum
International Conference Florence
Italy 6-7 May 2013 


The deadline of the call for contributions in the Framing the digital curation curriculum international conference is approaching.

The conference, organised by the the DigCurV project, will be held from 6th to 7th of May 2013 in Florence.

We invite contributions on concrete examples of training initiatives and educational programmes in digital curation, illustrating approaches, methodologies, and success stories of training addressed to an increasingly qualified workforce of the library, archive, museum and cultural heritage sectors. Topics include: lifelong learning in digital curation, current trends and initiatives in digital curation education, existing opportunities for professionals, training the trainers, approaches and methodologies, best practices, sustainability of training initiatives, multimodal methods of learning, opportunities and challenges in developing a training curriculum, examination of digital curation/preservation training frameworks (e.g. DigCurV Curriculum Framework).

The deadline for submission is the 31st of January 2013.

All the information at: