

On 21/01/13 14:21, Clemens Vonrhein wrote:
> Dear all,
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 07:48:34AM -0800, Nat Echols wrote:
>> If I had to guess, I'd say that the output from Refmac is on an
>> approximately absolute scale, i.e. the volume-scaled density values
>> resemble the actual electron densities expected for the model.  (I say
>> "approximately" because the absence of F(0,0,0) and various FFT
>> artifacts pretty much guarantee that the values are not actually
>> accurate, just on the same order of magnitude.)  This is presumably
>> done by scaling F(obs) to F(calc).  Maps from Phenix are definitely
>> *not* on an absolute scale, however, and I guess the same must be true
>> for BUSTER.
> Just for the record: the map-coefficients written by BUSTER
> (amplitudes 2FOFCWT and FOFCWT in the final 'refine.mtz' file) are on
> the same scale as the model (amplitude FC) ie. on approximate absolute
> scale.
> As far as we can tell, Coot uses the actual map-values (e/A^3) as a
> 'score' in those 'density fit' graphs - is that right?

Yes - for the moment at least.  If I can make it fast enough, it will 
not be the case for 0.8.

> So it is not
> something with a known range (like a real-space correlation value from
> -1 to +1) - especially not if the maps are sometimes on roughly
> absolute scale and sometimes they aren't.


> It seems as if the determination of apropriate range for drawing those
> bars within coot is affecting if one sees only red (false negative) or
> only green (false positive) bars.


> Maybe Paul/Kevin/Bernhard can comment on how this is done? How does
> one avoid getting frustrated by too many red bars and (equally
> important) over-excited by bogus greenery?

No good answer at the moment.  The graph is only relative :-(  I can 
only refer you to Bernhard's answer (above).
