

Can I remind GridPP sites that the NGS VOMS server is being incorporated
into the GridPP one.

Can sites that support VOs that use this server please add the GridPP
server to their configuration. This can be done by adding appropriate
entries to the yaim config, or .lsc files.

Please don't remove support for the NGS VOMS server just yet.

This affects all NGS VOs at GridPP sites - notably the and VOs.

I shall start ticketing sites soon - though clearly sites should make
their own judgement of the risks of making changes this close to Christmas.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Migration of our VOMS services
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 15:39:35 +0000
From: John Kewley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]


As I hope you are aware the NGS VOMS server has been incorporated into
the GridPP one.

The NGS one will be turned off at the end of the year so we need to move
everyone over to the new server.

Old server:

New (to us!) server

What we (as Ops) need to do is ensure that all servers have moved over
to the support the new server before the clients do, while maintaining
some support for those clients still using the old one.

I have proposed the following:

0. voms.gridpp supports all the operational VOs from voms.ngs (DONE)
1. All servers add support for voms.gridpp so clients of (for example)
the VO can use either above server for now.
    i.e. please don't remove support for just yet (Target:
this week)
2. We inform clients to stop using voms.ngs and start using voms.gridpp
and we re-release the
    CertWizard (and VOMS-enabled GSI-SSHTERM) with this support (Target:
towards end of next week)
3. We drop support in our servers for voms.ngs (ASAP after above,
depending on Xmas period!)
4. Robert can turn off voms.ngs in early Jan, if not before.

Note that to do this you'll need new vomses files and either .lsc files
or VOMS server certificates.

Attached is a tarball of ALL the VOs supported in voms.gridpp. I have
also provided a quick script that generates this stuff.
Note that if you don't want to support ALL the VOs you'll have to filter
the ones you do.

Please let Robert or I know if you have any problems



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