

International Conference

Pistoia (Italy), 13-15 September 2013

Organized by
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca
Palazzetto Bru Zane - Centre de musique romantique française, Venice
Associazione Amici di Groppoli

Organized in conjunction with the bicenteray of the birth of Giuseppe  
Verdi and Richard Wagner, this conference aims to deepen the existing  
understanding of opera staging through examination of the the works of  
these two composers, focusing on the economical, sociological and  
technological factors connected with opera production. The conference  
also welcomes studies on staging, with a particular focus on visual  
aspects and their relationship with theatrical space: the tradition of  
establishing each visual element in writing (like the livret de mise  
en scène in France or the disposizioni sceniche in Italy) reflects the  
importance that staging had acquired during the nineteenth century in  
the sphere of musical drama. The conference is open to a range of  
paper proposals, but the scientific committee would particularly  
welcome studies of the following:
  · Theatre and Scene: Spaces and Techniques

· Scenographies for Verdi and Wagner Operas: Originality and Tradition

· The Parisian livrets de mise en scène of the Operas of Verdi and  

· Verdi and the disposizioni sceniche

· Verdi/Wagner and Stage Directors, Scenographers, Costume Designers,  
Stage Managers, Coreographers, and so forth

· Clients and Impresarios of Verdi and Wagner Operas

Roberto Illiano, Lucca;  Étienne Jardin, Paris/Venice; Fulvia  
Morabito, Lucca; Michela Niccolai, Paris; Luca Sala, Poitiers;  
Massimiliano Sala, Lucca


·      Jürgen Maehder (Freie Universität Berlin)
·      Michela Niccolai (Paris)

The official languages of the conference are English, French, German  
and Italian. Papers selected at the conference will be published in a  
miscellaneous volume. Papers are limited to twenty minutes in length,  
allowing time for questions and discussion. Please submit an abstract  
of no more than 500 words and one page of biography.
All proposals should be submitted by email no later than ***Sunday 14  
April 2013*** to <[log in to unmask]>. With your proposal  
please include your name, contact details (postal address, e-mail and  
telephone number) and (if applicable) your affiliation. The committee  
will make its final decision on the abstracts by the 15th of May 2013,  
and contributors will be informed immediately thereafter. Further  
information about the programme, registration, travel and  
accommodation will be announced after that date.

For any additional information, please contact:

Dr. Roberto Illiano
Via Nottolini, 162
San Concordio contr.
I-55100 Lucca (Lu)
tel: +39/338.9233006
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Dr. Roberto Illiano, Presidente Edizione Nazionale Muzio Clementi
Segretario Generale Centro Studi Opera omnia Luigi Boccherini-Onlus
Via Lorenzo Nottolini, 162
S. Concordio contrada
I-55100 Lucca
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