


  current Impact Factor* - 1.777 (5th out of 99 ranked nursing journals)


Submission deadline extended


Dear colleague,


Midwifery is currently seeking papers for a forthcoming Special Issue related to the Millennium Development Goals to complement The Lancet’s forthcoming special issue, 2013.  Due to the high volume of requests for extensions over the holiday season we have decided to extend the submission deadline to 15th February 2013.


The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) are due to be achieved in 2015, although there will be considerable challenges for many countries to meet the goals.  Countdown to 2015 is a global movement to track, stimulate and support country progress towards achieving the MDGs related to improving maternal and child health.


The State of the World’s Midwifery 2011 — the first of its kind — took stock of the practice in 58 countries with high rates of maternal, foetal and newborn mortality.  The report states that across the 58 countries as many as 3.6 million maternal, foetal and newborn deaths per year could be averted if all women had access to the full package of reproductive, maternal and newborn care. A common feature is the lack of access to quality midwifery services. These are not just issues for low income countries, access and coverage to midwifery care has been raised as an issue in middle and high income countries too.


The State of the World’s Midwifery identified three key points relating to the status of the midwifery profession and the challenges and barriers that affect midwifery, its development and its effectiveness.  This special issue of Midwifery will address the particular role and contribution of midwives to the quality of care, health and wellbeing of mothers and newborns in low, medium and high income countries.


It will be published to complement a Special Series on Midwifery planned by The Lancet, to be published in 2013.


Midwifery would like to invite papers on the following topics in low, medium and especially in high income countries:


·       Facilitators and barriers to scaling up services provided by midwives, and the role of key stakeholders and financial systems at global and government policy level.

·       The role of education, regulation and professional association in contributing to strengthening midwifery.


·       Access to care issues from women’s perspectives.


·       The effects of over diagnosis and medicalisation in countries without midwifery coverage and access.


We request authors to submit their full manuscripts for consideration to Midwifery at by 15 February 2013. When asked to choose article type, authors should select ‘Special Issue—MDG’. All submissions should meet the usual Midwifery author guidelines and standards and will be subject to the usual peer-review process.


Further details can be found at


Kind regards,

Sarah Davies





*Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2012


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