


On 1st December 2012 the REFRAME publishing platform at the University of Sussex launched RE.FRAMING ACTIVISM, a new interdisciplinary, multimedia blog that brings together academic research, media practice and current news about mediated activism. 

We invite you to visit our website at:

We are interested in representing a broad spectrum of research on and news about international mediated forms of activism including local, queer, grassroots, global and NGO led.

We are currently looking for academic researchers in this field (at all stages in their career) to contribute regular or guest posts in these areas (say, of 500-1000 words, or embeddable work in audio/visual formats). The blog aims to reach an international audience of academics, researchers, activists and others interested in these topics.

If you are interested in contributing a post please contact us at: activism.US[at] 

All the best,
Rachel Tavernor
Re.framing Activism Co-Editor,
Doctoral Researcher
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
Silverstone Building
Falmer, BN1 9RG