

Dear FSL experts:

         Merry Christmas!

         I do not know whether the following method of caliculating brain lobe volume is reasonable or not. I hope to get some valuable advice from you.

        Modality: MPRAGE

        1) Draw a brain anatomical region mask on MNI152_1mm ( or using juelich atlas), I call Brain_template
        2) Transform brain_anatomical_mask to native MPRAGE space using invwarp.
        3) Segement MPRAGE to GM/WM using FAST, and get pve file( this is the most accurate way to calculate volume according to the UserGuide).
        4) Combing GM and WM mask together (brain_lobe_mask) using fslmaths (-add)
        5)  fslmaths Brain_template -mul brain_lobe_mask   to get brain_lobe of different anatomical region.
        6)  using fslstas to calculate volume of different brain lobe.

        I really do not know whether the method is reasonable or not. 

       Thanks again. 

        Merry Christmas!!