

Dear Fsl experts,

Sorry for my insistence but I really need your experience with this.
---------- Mensaje reenviado ----------
De: "Rosalia Dacosta Aguayo" <[log in to unmask]>
Fecha: 30/12/2012 14:23
Asunto: RSNs interpretation...Dr. Beckmann? Difficult question
Para: "FSL - FMRIB's Software Library" <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Fsl experts,

I have a problem with one interpretation I am doing about resting state
networks with MELODIC.
With my patients, I detected 6 RSNs affected: four with hyper-activity and
2 with hypo-activity probably related to the site of the lesion.

The problem is as follows: many of the brain areas are repeated in those
different networks. I have been reading and I have found, as simple
example, that putamen is a brain area related to the Basal Ganglia network,
but is related to the DMN too...

As far as I know, I interpreted RSNs from a whole perspective, that is,
they work together although they can be related to different functions.

In the DMN I found stronger hyper-activity in the left frontal opercular
cortex...and discrete hyper-activity in other areas related to this
network. For the Fronto-temporal network I found hypo-activity in the right
precuneous cortex, a hub area related with the DMN but that has not
appeared in the DMN....I have been looking at all the significant brain
areas related to the different RSNs I have found. My conclusion is that
there is a disruption in the DMN where the anterior regions are
hyper-activated whereas the posterior regions (preguneus cortex) are
hypo-activated...and I have interpreted that this disruption could be the
responsible of the dysfunction of the other networks and for the cognitive
impairment showed for my patients too, because of the relevance of the DMN
for a good brain functionality and good integration of information between
the other RSNs.

My question is: it is right to make an analysis where I look at the brain
areas affected in the different RSNs as a whole and not only at the
significant RSNs as single networks working separately? In fact, in the
main of the RSNs appears repeated disruption in the same brain areas and
these areas, although related with the RSNs in particular, are related with
the DMN too.

This interpretation is right?, could be accepted? "legal"?

Many thanks for your helping and Happy New Year to all of you.

Yours sincerely,

Rosalia Dacosta.