

Please see the message below from The National Archives. This has just started and could be a really useful community resource for finding out how your peers approach digital preservation activities (the tools used, their processes & workflows etc.).

Dear all,

The National Archives has been developing a platform for archives across the UK and Ireland to share information of their digital preservation activities with one another. The directory, DigitalArchivesConnect, is in the form of an open source wiki:

This simple format allows users to add a profile of their organisation and its involvement in digital preservation, and to update and maintain their information.

We invite you to submit your own profile, and you can either do this by sending content to me, or adding it yourself using the guidelines on the website: . The preferred format for this content can be found here: . Do not be shy! We are asking for users at any and every level of digital preservation.

Opening up communication on activity will lead to increased confidence on the subject, encourage partnerships and collaboration, and will help identify areas where wider training would be useful. Having promotion and communication in a single location will make knowledge sharing easier as well.

Please email me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> with any comments and questions that you have. Every bit of feedback from you ensures that this directory will be utilised and easily accessible.

Thank you,

Marie Steiner

Neil Grindley I Programme Manager - Digital Preservation & Curation I Jisc<>

T: +44 (0)203 006 6059  I M: +44 (0)7816 277 573 I Twitter: @neilgrindley I Skype: neil.grindley


Anything in this message which does not clearly relate to the official

work of the sender's organisation shall be understood as neither given

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