

Hi All,

Thanks for all your feedback. I've corrected the date and the script now recognizes DPM 1.8.4 as a EMI version.

I don't know why my script doesn't find the version number of the Lancaster tarballs, I am sure it used to, but that's a question for another day.


On 5 November 2012 15:03, Sam Skipsey <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
RE: Matt's SE - Indeed, DPM 1.8.4 both correctly advertises as 1.8.4, and is only EMI-2 available.


On 5 November 2012 15:00, Matt Doidge <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Jeremy asked me to check the state of the nation page to make sure the
WN version were up-to-date.

Here is the result:

I set my usual set of test jobs going, but there were four that weren't

The job ran on abaddon, but couldn't find a WN version number in any of
the usual places - where are you hiding it ?!

I probably misplaced it somewhere, I'm not obfuscating it on purpose! It's a 3.2.12-1 tarball, not sure why it's shy about telling people.

In other Lancaster-centric news our SE is EMI, not glite (either that or I royally screwed up our DPM headnode reinstall...), so we should be a soothing not-red. It could be that version 1.8.4, which we accidentally-on-purpose upgraded to, has started advertising their version again.

Indeed looking at our BDII output I see:
GlueSEImplementationVersion: 1.8.4

AFAIK 1.8.4 (and 1.8.3, but not so sure about that one) is only available on EMI, so hopefully that won't require too much script bashing.


Sent from the pit of despair

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HEP Group/Physics Dep
Imperial College
Tel: +44-(0)20-75947810