Dear SPM Experts,
I m trying to use DARTEL without segmentation (since I m working with animal subjects). As far as I have understood is, I did the following steps
1. Create Template : Here I input the structural images from different subjects. Should these structural images be coregistered with each other or not ?
2. Normalize to MNI : I input the DARTEL template here, Template_6.nii created from the last step. Though I didnt understand why we have to input the template_6.nii; what difference would it make if I input template_5.nii ?? In the subject flow field, I input u_.... created in the last step. In the Images field, I input the coregistered functional images of the subjects. I believe I can input functional images of all the subjects at once; right ??? 
So after this it created one mat file, template_6_2mni.mat. I m not sure what this mat file means. What I was looking for was a number of normalized images; just like it creates when we do the normal normalization step in SPM. Can someone please explain this ?

Thanks a lot
best regards,

Qasim Bukhari

Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate

Institute for Biomedical Engineering

ETH and University Zurich

Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27, HIT E22
