

Hi all,

I keep getting an error when attempting to run VBM8 on a set of adolescent girls (see error below).  I am using the CCHMC2 template but the error occurs even when using the default template.  I coregistered (reslice) the T1 subject images to the template image but I'm still getting this error.  When I display a subject T1 everything (dimensions, voxel size, dir cos) seems to match the template.  Thoughts?

Running 'VBM8: Estimate & Write'
Initial Coarse Affine Registration..
Failed  'VBM8: Estimate & Write'
Error using spm_affreg (line 82)
Reference images must all have the same orientation

or, as displayed in the editor...
if any(any(diff(tmp,1,2).^2>1e-8)),
    error('Reference images must all have the same orientation');

Thank you!!
