

Dear SPM experts,

I would like to do a tensor based morphometry study using ANTS (template
generation -> registration of individual T1s to template -> calculation of
(log)jacobian images -> smoothing) and do statistics (correlation with
behavioral data) on the resulting (log)jacobian images in template space
with SPM.

I already tried it using the (log)jacobian images as the input images in
the "estimate model" step as I would do with smoothed grey matter
probability maps in a VBM study. It works, but the estimation process is
quite slow compared to e.g. VBM data.

Is this approach valid or does SPM only work correctly with images
generated by itself or only on images in MNI space? My understanding was
that SPM should just carry out voxel-wise statistics on any input images,
so it shouldn't matter if I put in grey matter probability maps, FA maps,
con-Maps or Jacobian images and if they are in MNI or native space. Is that
right or did I miss anything?

Thank you very much,
