

Dear SPM experts,

Please help me to plot the activation map. I have 128 smoothed fMRI, 16
slices/volume, TR = 2.68 and stimuli is:
Time Onset
10    0
30    0
50    1
70    0
90    0
110    1
130    1
150    0
170    1
190    0
210    0
230    1
250    1
270    0
290    1

I used "Specify 1st-level" and choose "Onsets" values as "50 110 170 230
250 290". Then I follow the prompt of SPM8, estimate and inference, accept
the default p-value (0.05), FWE but the result has no activation in the
brain. Could you please give me any suggestion to produce the activation

Thank you very much for your help,
With best wishes,
Michael Bui