

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies. Please distribute this call to interested parties.]

23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling


              June 10-14, 2013, Rome, Italy

This call is available online here:

A PDF version is available here:

ICAPS 2013 -- Last Call for Papers


The 23rd International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS'13, will take place in Rome, Italy, June 10-14, 2013. ICAPS'13 is part of the
ICAPS conference series (, the premier forum for exchanging news and research results on theory and applications of intelligent
planning and scheduling technology.

The organizing committee of ICAPS'13 invites paper submissions on topics related to automated planning and scheduling. The purpose of the conference is to
promote research in automated planning and scheduling through analysis and dissemination of the foundational theory, the technologies, and their application to
significant problems. The focus of the conference program is on:

  * Analytic and empirical studies of planning and scheduling problems
    as well as algorithms for solving them;

  * Studies applying automated planning and scheduling technologies to
    real problems and descriptions of deployed applications;

  * Techniques that extend the complexity and the types of problems that
    can be solved with current techniques; and

  * Analytic and implemented tools for supporting automated planning and

We particularly welcome papers that bring into planning useful computational technologies from other areas of AI/CS.

Following the most recent editions of ICAPS, the authors will be allowed
to submit two types of papers: full technical papers and short papers.
The authors will indicate the type of paper at submission time. Full
papers can be up to 8 pages long (plus one more page only for references), while short papers can be up to 4 pages
long (plus one more page only for references).

Submissions must be in the AAAI format ( For more information, see the submission instructions on the
conference web site ( The proceedings will be published by AAAI Press. All accepted papers will be published in the main conference
proceedings and will be presented orally at the conference (full papers will be allocated more time).

Special Track on Novel Applications of Automated Planning and Scheduling

This year ICAPS is pleased to introduce a special track focused on applications of planning and scheduling. The corresponding Call for Papers has been issued

Special Track on Journal Presentation Track

This year ICAPS is also pleased to introduce a special track focused on papers published on journals. The corresponding Call for Papers has been issued

Author and Reviewer Guidelines

All papers will be reviewed based on the standard criteria for clarity,
relevance, significance, originality, and soundness.

Full technical papers are expected to report on new research that makes a
substantial technical contribution to the field and is placed in the
context of existing work.

Short papers can report on new research or other issues of interest to
the ICAPS community. Examples of work suitable for short papers include:
novel ideas that are not yet fully developed or whose scope is not large
enough for a full paper; important implementation techniques; novel
interesting benchmark problems; short experimental studies; interesting
applications that are not yet completely solved or analyzed; position or
challenge papers; etc.

Authors making multiple submissions must ensure that each submission has
significant unique content. Papers submitted to ICAPS'13 may not be
submitted to other conferences or journals during the ICAPS'13 review
period nor may they be already under review or published in other
conferences or journals. Overlength papers will be rejected without

Topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

  * adversarial planning

  * applications and case studies of planning and scheduling techniques

  * classical planning

  * complexity analysis for planning and scheduling

  * conformant/contingent planning

  * constraint reasoning/OR techniques for planning and scheduling

  * continuous planning

  * distributed and multi-agent planning and scheduling

  * hierarchical task network planning and knowledge-based planning

  * knowledge acquisition and engineering for planning and scheduling

  * machine learning for planning and scheduling

  * multi-agent planning

  * plan and schedule execution, monitoring and repair

  * plan recognition

  * planning and scheduling under uncertainty

  * planning with resources and time constraints

  * real-time planning and scheduling

  * robot planning

  * search for planning and scheduling

Important Dates

The timetable for paper submissions and reviewing is as follows:

  Electronic abstracts:         November 9th, 2012

  Electronic PDF papers:        November 16th, 2012

  Author Rebuttal period:       December 22-26, 2012

  Notification of acceptance:   January 11th, 2013

The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-13. This means that if you are in time anywhere on the world, then you are in time!

Organizing Committee

Conference chairs:

  * Angelo Oddi (CNR, Italian National Research Council, ISTC, Italy)

  * Simone Fratini (ESA, European Space Agency, Germany)

Program chairs:

  * Daniel Borrajo (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)

  * Subbarao Kambhampati (Arizona State University, USA