

Dear all,


I’m looking forward to meeting those of you who are coming to the UKOER Programme Meeting tomorrow.


As part of the Society of Biology’s project for the UKOER Phase 3 Strand 4a (Promoting OER within PSRBs and Subject) we are developing a new website to promote the use of OER in the biology community and we’d like to invite you to the launch.


The project involved working with our Special Interest Group, the Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) to identify, collect and promote existing bioscience OER. During the project we have been developing a website to promote OER that support practical biology and research-led teaching in higher education. The website will feature peer reviewed lab and field work practical and protocols, health and safety information, multimedia alternatives to wet labs, videos and images.


The Society will be launching this new website at Charles Darwin House in London on the 16th November from 3-6pm. We’d be delighted if you could join us for this event. The programme includes a presentation on the project, interactive demonstrations of the website and a wine and canapé reception.


If you would like to attend you can register for the event using the Society of Biology’s online event booking website here.  Members of the Society can use their MySociety account log in to book the event.  Non-members can register to use the website here before booking.


I hope to see you there.


Best wishes




Dr Eva Sharpe MSB

HE Policy Officer

Society of Biology

Charles Darwin House

12 Roger Street




Tel: +44(0)20 7685 2558



Registration now open for our Life Sciences Careers Conferences

Birmingham 14th November, Belfast 28th November, Leeds 5th December