

Hola Jaime,

> but is the worker node itself in charge of copy ISB files from WMS?
> For instance, the user is mapped as physiber001, so when the job
> is executed at worker node, some script does a
> globus-url-copy gsiftp://wms-host/var/Sandboxdir/XX/https://jobid/input/ISBfile.tar.gz
> file:///$(pwd)
> from /home/physiber001 within the worker node as user physiber001
> am I right?
> If so, do you know which script is executed?

The script is the "job wrapper" that is either created by the WMS itself or,
in the case of CREAM, by the CE; the wrapper is submitted to the batch system.

An example is attached for a WMS job with one ISB file and sent to a CREAM CE.