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On 11 Nov 2012, at 17:10, "Leslie Carr" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> I was attending my son's graduation ceremony at Bournemouth University on Friday. While waiting for his turn, the title of a graduating student's PhD thesis was read out. It caught my attention (it was about TV production on Dr Who) and so i slipped put my iPhone, googled the student's surname, a word from the title and the name of the university and found the thesis available in the Bournemouth Institutional Repository (first result). I was able to download and start skimreading the PDF before the student had returned to his seat .
> It was a genuinely exciting experience - it felt like I had arrived in the future! This is a repository use case that I had never thought of, and everything just worked. Congratulations to Bournemouth's repository team on the hard work they have put in to making the experience join up. 
> Also, congrats to Andrew Ireland on a really interesting thesis!
> --
> Les Carr
> PS Universities really should consider letting graduation audiences see some of the really impressive work that their students have done. An onstage projection of a poster from their final dissertation while they walk across the stage?