

Dear all,

we would like to invite you to consider submitting a contribution to Session
TS4.2/GM3.4/SSP2.3 "Orogen-scale coupling between tectonics, erosion and climate" to be held at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly, 07-12 April 2013 in Vienna Austria. The session details are below:

Orogen-scale coupling between tectonics, erosion and climate

The topographic evolution of collisional orogens results from interactions between crustal deformation, mantle-scale processes, and base-level and climate changes affecting erosional processes. To what extent the topography and relief of collisional orogens inherited from subduction and pre-convergence extensional stages is not yet clear. Basin-scale depositional system changes can modify exhumation patterns in mountain ranges but mechanisms driving these retroactions are still not well understood. The response of long-lived collisional orogens to late/post-orogenic climate changes has been addressed from a geodynamic modeling point of view but is still poorly defined from observations in natural systems. Among others, these questions outline the need to gain higher resolution data on erosional/depositional histories, paleoaltitudes and paleoclimates. In this session we welcome multidisciplinary contributions that integrate field-based studies, low-temperature thermochronology, geochronology, geochemistry, numerical geodynamic modeling and physical modelling of erosion as well as innovative approaches.

Go to to submit your abstract.

Note the following important deadlines : 11/30/2012 - deadline for support applications; 01/09/2012 - deadline for abstract submission

Hoping to see you in Vienna,
The conveners,

Frédéric Mouthereau
Peter van der Beek
Carole Petit