Hi Anders,

It is a bit unclear exactly what you want to do.  In most cases, if it is not possible to run it directly from the gui, it is simplest to create design.fsf files from the Feat gui, and edit these through the command line using text processing tools doing things like, e.g. find/replace.  I've attached a script setFEAT (don't think it's in FSL) that helps edit design.fsf   s



On 21 November 2012 21:53, Anders Eklund <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear FSL experts,

I want to perform some fMRI analysis of a large number of fMRI datasets through bash scripts. There seems to be several introductions on how to analyze fMRI data through the FSL gui but I can't find any template bash script.

I have started on a bash script for single subject fMRI analysis (the produced results will later be used in another script for multi subject analysis) but I have several questions;

Is it easier to setup an fsf-file and simply run feat ?

Should I perform motion correction before registering the EPI data to the T1 volume?


How do I perform registration between EPI and the T1 volume?

Easiest through the running the feat design files
How do I add estimated motion parameters as additional regressors? Concat the motion parameters to design.mat?

How does the prewhitening with film_gls interact with fsl_glm ?

Is there an easy way to create a brain mask for the EPI data?

 Yes.  If you want to see what Feat is doing, look in the files in a Feat log directory.



# Segment the brain from the T1 volume
bet T1.nii.gz T1_brain.nii.gz

# Do registration between brain T1 and brain MNI
flirt -ref ${MNI_TEMPLATE} -in T1_brain.nii.gz -omat anat_2_mni_xform.mat

# Motion correction
mcflirt -in fMRI.nii.gz -plots

# Do registration between EPI and T1
flirt -ref T1.nii.gz -in ???  -omat epi_2_anat_xform.mat

# Create total transformation matrix between MNI and EPI
convert_xfm -omat mni_2_epi_xform.mat -concat anat_2_epi_xform.mat mni_2_anat_xform.mat

# Create total transformation matrix between EPI and MNI
convert_xfm -omat epi_2_mni_xform.mat -inverse mni_2_epi_xform.mat

# Transform MNI mask to EPI space
flirt -in ${MNI_MASK} -ref ???

# Perform smoothing of motion corrected volumes
fslmaths fMRI_mfc.nii.gz -kernel gauss 8 fMRI_mfc_s.nii.gz

# Perform prewhitening
film_gls -sa ???

# Perform GLM analysis
fsl_glm -i fMRI_mfc_s.nii.gz -d design.mat -o betas.nii.gz -c model.con -m ${EPI_MASK}

# Transform beta volume to MNI
flirt -in betas.nii.gz -ref ${MNI_TEMPLATE} -applyxfm -init epi_2_mni_xform.mat -out betas_mni.nii.gz
