

hi - I am trying to segment the thalamus based on its connectivity 
to 5 cortical sites (a la Behrens et al, Nat Neuro 03). 
I derived left and right thalamus masks and cortical ROIs
using freesurfer, all look good when uploaded in the individual
T1. Eddy_correct and Bedpostx seemed to complete fine.
I have attached 2 screenshots for the FDT probtrack GUI set up
which I used to derive and replicate the code below to do 
protracks across subjects/left&right thalamus

The problem appears that it does not seem to run well
I left one subjects running for almost 24 h now and can not
see any hint of progression. I have a linux box with 32 cores and
128 Gb RAM. 

probtrackx appears to keep running and can see from the Terminal
that is using 15% of RAM-

 I am not sure all this is expected and
would really appreciate some advise


/usr/share/fsl/5.0/bin/probtrackx2 -x /home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/label/lh_thalamus_ds.nii.gz -l --onewaycondition --pd -c 0.2 -S 2000 --steplength=0.5 -P 5000 --fibthresh=0.01 --distthresh=0.0 --sampvox=0.0 --xfm=/home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/diffdata/transforms/t12dti.mat --forcedir --opd -s /home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/diffdata.bedpostX/merged -m /home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/diffdata.bedpostX/nodif_brain_mask --dir=/home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/diffdata.bedpostX/leftthalfdt --targetmasks=/home/dsoto/Documents/fmri/rsdtianawmgui/02ST/diffdata.bedpostX/leftthalfdt/targets.txt --os2t