

Hi all,

As you probably know, AMEG has the position that we are in a planetary crisis now, which demands immediate action to cool the Arctic.  Any delay could take us past a point of no return.  George Marshall (full text reproduced below) comes to a worrying conclusion:

"The critical condition for affecting longer term attitudes is the extent to which events are translated into a socially held narrative that speaks to people’s sense of their own identity. And this requires a steady long term approach – waiting until the dust has settled and working with trusted local communicators who can make a case that the single event fits into a narrative pattern of longer term change."

This gives me some thoughts about how the collapse of sea ice this year to a new record low has not had the effect that people like John Davies had hoped.  Any disaster seems to reinforce people’s world view.  George seems to explain it in terms of social cohesion.  But in the case of the sea ice, it's a disaster waiting to happen - a September free of sea ice in 2015, with terrible repercussions on food security and the risk of a methane excursion.  Thus for the Met Office it must be a different kind of social cohesion – they must have rallied around to come to a common understanding of the sea ice event within their own world view, heavily influenced by their own climate models.  The result has been an even stronger denial of the danger from sea ice disappearance and the repercussions thereof.  And we are seeing this denial everywhere in the scientific establishment.  The environment lobby and NGOs just follow in their footsteps.


Thus George’s conclusion is very worrying in that we just don’t have time for a “steady long-term approach”.  This is our dilemma - the stronger evidence AMEG gives of impending crisis, the stronger the resistance from the people at the Met Office and the rest of the scientific establishment.

How can we resolve this dilemma quickly?  Our target is to prevent a worse collapse of Arctic sea ice next year!



Chair AMEG (but writing in a personal capacity)


On 07/11/2012 09:19, Alastair McIntosh wrote:

George (and all) …. what you have written here, and what Jon has followed through on, is quite the finest succinct piece of analysis I have seen on climate attitudes to date. Thank you for having carried out the first hand research that helps to inform it.


What you write is mostly bad news for mitigation but good news for adaptation. On adaptation, the key word is resilience, but even on that you sound a note of caution if disasters become more frequent than people can bounce back from.  Your point about people recovering from the forest fires quickly because the economy was boosted by insurance money pouring in for rebuilding is pertinent to Sandy also. I caught an item on Google News yesterday saying the same of NE America – namely, that the affected states can expect an economic dip initially, but then resurgence growth as they rebuild and that kick starts the rest of the economy.



Anyway, I’d better get back to studying Calvinism! But thank you, George Marshall, for your tremendous post. It is dismal stuff, but it takes us to the depth that we have to start working at. I hope we can explore some of these things further at the Crisis Forum conference on Saturday 17 November in London – details here.


Lastly, a caveat, what I’ve written here is off the cuff and should be understood as such. It is not a carefully stated position on my own island’s religion. That will be expressed in forthcoming properly published work. But in the light of the US election and hurricane Sandy, I just wanted to share some of these ideas in advance.




From: Discussion list for the Crisis Forum [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Jon Barrett
Sent: 07 November 2012 06:36
To: [log in to unmask]


Dear George - and everybody,


Your analysis of  what is learnt from direct experiences of disasters is most interesting  - and very pertinent to a practical handbook I am working on to promote the use of experiential learning in extending and improving sustainability education. The book has the working title Sustainability through Experience. The first half contains theory and practice chapters and case studies providing a context and methodology for experiential approaches to sustainability. The second provides a compendium of experiential activities for use by educators/communicators. One chapter is being contributed by Nick Wilding who has examined how communities respond in various adverse circumstances and suggested ways of building resilience in anticipation of and preparation for these.


Other relevant studies that I look at include Lorraine Whitmarsh's research into what is learnt about climate change by those with direct experiences of flooding in the UK and Kai Erikson's long term research into human-caused disasters in the US. For those who are interested, I append passages that discuss these below.


The point of the handbook is to offer experiential ways in which to reflect on and communicate about complex, confusing and contentious sustainability issues - including such disaster scenarios - in ways that overcome the types of barriers to constructive learning and preparatory action that your article describes.


On Kai Erikson and Rebecca Solnit, I write:


Sometimes people’s life experiences can be so extreme that those who endure them are unable to learn from them at all. When pain turns into trauma, the ability to recover and learn is affected by much more than an individual’s self-belief or sense of agency to be able to control events and determine their outcomes. To return to the flooding scenarios of the previous chapter, Jenna Meredith’s trip to India enabled her to see how poor victims of flooding in developing countries who have lost homes, livelihoods and, often, family members are likely to have been subjected to a different degree of experience than flood-victims with property insurance and temporary accommodation in the UK. Although the suffering caused by such large-scale disasters cannot be directly alleviated by experiential learning, the trauma that they lead to is important to consider here because their increasingly frequent occurrence is a predicted outcome of human unsustainability and they raise fundamental moral questions about how to prevent them from happening.


Best wishes, Jon



On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:16 PM, George Marshall <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear all,


I thought you might be interested to see this, some initial thoughts about the relationship between extreme climate events and attitudes to climate change. There is an additional commentary on the piece by Andy Revkin in his dot earth blog.



George Marshall @ 2:07 pm Edit This

In the wake of extreme heat, droughts, and Hurricane Sandy, many people are assuming that, at last, there may be the critical mass of extreme weather events that will tip public opinion towards action on climate change.

This is based on the long held assumption that extreme climate events will increase awareness and concern- and this would seem logical considering that climate change suffers as an issue from distance and a consequent lack of salience.

I have heard many scientists, including the former UK chief scientific advisor Sir David King, go further and argue that real public and political attention requires such events.  Climate change campaigners are already building their public communications around this assumption (for example a viral campaign ‘advert’ contrasts Romney’s ludicrous nomination speech with Sandy).

However this assumption deserves to be challenged. Climate change awareness is complex and strongly mediated by socially constructed attitudes. I suggest that there are some countervailing conditions- especially in the early stages of climate impacts. It is important to recognise that many of the social and cultural obstacles to belief are not removed by major impacts and may, indeed, be reinforced.

A few weeks ago I was in Texas interviewing people in Bastrop where, in 2011, the worst fires in Texas history (by a tenfold margin) destroyed 1,700 homes. The fires were directly related to the extreme drought and record breaking temperatures that struck central Texas in 2011. Causal links are always hard, but even the state climatologist, John Nielsen-Gammon (who surely has one of the hardest jobs in climate science) made a cautious connection between climate change, the drought and the fires. I did six interviews in Bastrop: with the mayor, the head of the Chamber of Commerce, the editor of the local newspaper and with three people who had lost everything they owned in the fires.

It was very interesting that not one of them could recall any conversation about anthropogenic climate change in relation to the fires. The mayor, who said he accepted climate science, found that there was little interest or willingness among people to make this connection and it seems he felt it politic not to push it.

People did note that there was a change in the weather and most anticipated that the drought and fires could happen again. But they weren’t really interested in talking about this- what they really wanted to talk about was their pride in their community, the value of their social relations, their resilience and their personal and collective capacity to overcome challenges. They had recovered remarkably fast and the local economy had grown (boosted by government recovery grants and insurance payments). The county is doing very well and continues to grow- incredibly, after entirely repeatable wildfires incinerated the homes of a third of the residents, it is said to be the fourth fastest growing county in the US.

I would argue that the responses in Bastrop are entirely consistent with what we know about the way that people respond socially and cognitively to disasters and climate change.

Disasters can reinforce social networks (and with them established norms and worldviews)

In disasters, especially in areas with strong communities, people tend to pull together and show a remarkable and inspiring sense of collective purpose. This is nicely reflected in Rebecca Solnit’s excellent book, a Paradise Built in Hell

We know, though, that attitudes to climate change are strongly correlated with political and ideological worldviews (see for example the work of Dan Kahan and the Cultural Cognition Project ).  We can therefore anticipate that a stronger cultural cohesion could make it even harder for ideas that challenge existing worldviews to be voiced or accepted- creating even further obstacles for the acceptance of climate change in societies that are currently skeptical.

And we could anticipate that extreme events might also reinforce existing concern in places that are already disposed to accept climate change.  It will also be very interesting to see how Hurricane Sandy affects attitudes to climate change of both people inside and outside affected areas.  Given than attitudes to climate change are often held as part of a political identity, we cannot be surprised if people in a politically left leaning area (and much of the affected area is strongly Democrat) are prepared to ascribe extreme weather events to climate change. But this will not, of itself, be evidence that extreme events changes attitudes.

Disasters can increase social confidence and certainty.
Accepting anthropogenic climate change requires a high degree of self-criticism and even self-doubt. It requires a preparedness to accept personal responsibility for collective errors and for entire societies to accept the need for major collective change. And, inevitably, this process of acceptance would generate intense debate and conflict.

Disasters may very well do the opposite and provide proof of the worth of the existing social system- including the existing worldview and lifestyle.  The spirit of pulling together and moving on generates a consensus to suppress divisive issues and support the existing society. Areas of contention or disagreement are likely to be suppressed in the interests of social cohesion or out of respect to people who have offered kindness and generosity. After all, if your current society and economic model has served you well in a crisis you are surely less willing to accept change.

We could say, for historical comparison, that the transition of Germany from a dictatorship to a successful social democracy required the self doubt and introspection that came with defeat. Britain and the US won the war and with it a correspondingly inflated view of their own global authority that lasts to this day.

Disasters encourage powerful and compelling survival narratives (that can overwhelm weaker and more complex climate change narratives).
People’s view of the world (and their place in it) is shaped through narratives. Social groups seek to negotiate shared narratives that are simple, appealing and reinforce shared values.  In so doing they will reject or marginalise competing narratives that might challenge their current worldview. (For example just look at the competition of interpretive narratives around Thanksgiving ! ).

So a complex and challenging narrative will have a very hard time being accepted as social truth when it is competing against a strong, appealing and highly coherent narrative. In the case of Bastrop the weak narrative is that the fires were caused (in part) by weather conditions which were caused (in part) by climate change which was caused (in part) by the culture and behaviour of Bastrop residents.

It’s a hard one to sell at the best of times, and a disaster is the very worst condition for this narrative because it is overwhelmed by a much more attractive story: “we support each other, we are surrounded by evidence of our love and kindness, we are tough, we faced a huge challenge and we won through…and we can do it again”. This does not just speak to local pride, but the much larger mythology of frontier town Texas.

And there are other powerful narratives waiting in the wings. In other disasters the most powerful narrative can be one of blame- of the people who started a fire (leading at times to the demonization of a supposed arsonist), the government who did not build the flood defences, the construction companies who broke building codes, or the emergency services who failed to do their job.

These may well be valid arguments, but they also generate an enemy and victim frame which is far more compelling that anything offered by climate change. “It’s their fault and I demand action against them and restitution” is a much more compelling story than “it may be my fault or our fault and I demand that we work together to change the way we live”. The fatal flaw of the climate change narrative is that, uniquely among our major problems, it has no clear enemy at all.

Disasters are cyclical and create escalating baselines
Human psychology is strongly prone to creating patterns and comparisons based on the ‘availability’ of comparable events. In terms of environmental issues people tend to be very poor at noticing decadal change (and certainly intergenerational change) because of a shifting baseline.

Disasters create intense but isolated events after which, as the people on Bastrop said, things go back to ‘normal’. The pain and loss of the event generates an intensified desire that there be a ‘normal’ state to which one can return, making it harder to people to accept that there are larger changes underway. The desire for stability makes people more prone to see a disaster as being at the extreme end of natural variations (that is to say part of a normal cycle).

However, any extreme event has also created a new baseline. The next event will be measured against this baseline and, if this is equivalent or lesser will reinforce the idea that it was part of a normal cycle.  There is a good chance too that the collective learning and adaptation to the previous event will ensure that future events will be more manageable and have lower human and economic impacts. This too will reinforce ideas the perception that such events are not escalating.

The critical consideration in how events are perceived is the relationship between an event and the most recent comparable events, and the time that separates them. Events that are far apart are unlikely to be noticed, whereas we could assume a greater perception of change around events that are relatively recent, memorable, and clearly escalating.

Well this is true to a degree, but then there is a risk of another problem for events that come too often…..

Repeated disasters generate hopelessness and powerlessness
The ‘Paradise in Hell’ communitarianism pertains to events that are relatively rare anomalies in an otherwise confident and successful society. If extreme events occur with regularity – especially if they occur too regularly for communities and economies to recover fully- they could generate a sense of despair and helplessness.

I suspect that the most likely response to regular extreme events would be for people to move or to bunker down into inward looking family and social groups. This in turn would work against the outward looking confidence required to take action on climate change. People may, under these conditions, accept the reality of climate change but if they do so they will have to accept that actions to mitigate emissions, even across the entire world, will not prevent further more extreme and severe events.

Different kinds of extreme climate may have different impacts on public attitudes

It is important to differentiate between different kinds of climate event and suggest that they may have different outcomes in public attitudes. Droughts and heatwaves are extended conditions that encourage the perception that there is a long term change underway (a change in the ‘normal’). What is more, although they generate solidarity in suffering there is far less of the ‘pull together’ cohesion that occurs in major disaster events. We could reasonably infer that they may be more likely to generate an increase in concern about climate change.

This conjecture seems to be borne out in recent research from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication which found an increase between spring and fall of 2012 in the number of  people who reported that had been they had personally harmed by drought and heat waves and a slight decline in those reporting harm from other weather events. Overall the survey found a 5% increase the number of respondents who would agree that “global warming is affecting weather in the United States”.

The relationship between climate disasters and perceptions of climate change is complex as it is mediated by socially constructed narratives.

This means that campaigners and communicators should be very wary of charging into areas affected by extreme weather events and assuming that they have fertile ground for increased activism around change. The very opposite may be true, especially if they are perceived as outsiders who are breaking into the community (which may never have been stronger or more united) and exploiting its suffering. It would be hard to imagine anything more counterproductive than an environmental activist organisation dropping a banner in the midst of a conservative community after a major disaster.

The critical condition for affecting longer term attitudes is the extent to which events are translated into a socially held narrative that speaks to people’s sense of their own identity. And this requires a steady long term approach – waiting until the dust has settled and working with trusted local communicators who can make a case that the single event fits into a narrative pattern of longer term change.



George Marshall,

[log in to unmask]


Director of Projects,

Climate Outreach Information Network

Rhwydwaith Allgymorth a Gwybodaeth am yr Hinsawdd

