


There has been quite a lot of discussion about this and I think  
different opinions exist. I would try to keep the side chains, if  
there is some evidence where they are. Otherwise I would just delete  
atoms and I would not mutate them to alanine.

http:[log in to unmask]

Best regards,


Lari Lehtiö, PhD, Adjunct Professor
Biocenter Oulu
Department of Biochemistry
P.O.Box 3000
FIN-90014 University of Oulu

Quoting Faisal Tarique <[log in to unmask]>:

> Dear all
> i have solved a structure ( at 2A resolution) whose Rwork and Rfree is 22
> and 25 respectively..the Ramachandran plot shows 90% of the residues in the
> most favorable region and with 6 residues in generously allowed and no
> residues in disallowed region. But in some areas i can see density missing
> for side chains ( in loop regions )..i have question do i need to mutate
> them to alanine or leave them as such..The density fit analysis in COOT (
> traffic light) showing those regions with side chain as red..
> thanx in advance
> Regards
> Faisal
> School of Life Sciences