Dear CCP4'ers
One speaker is Professor Mike Glazer (Oxford). He would like as many crystallographers as possible to know about this. Mike says: " On Nov 29 on Radio4 I expect to be talking about the Braggs on the Melvyn Bragg program In Our Time at 9 oclock am. Today (11th November 2012) is exactly 100 years since W L Bragg presented his first paper to the Cambridge Philosophical Society and thus begun the field of X-ray Crystallography." 
Rex Palmer
From: Peter Keller <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Thursday, 22 November 2012, 10:30
Subject: [ccp4bb] Crystallography on BBC Radio 4 next week

Dear all,

On Thursday next week, the BBC radio program "In Our Time" will be discussing the history of crystallography. The link to the program is <>. Unfortunately, it doesn't say who the guests are, but they usually manage to find people with something interesting to say, even if the presenter Melvyn Bragg's grasp of scientific material isn't always that great.

I think that from outside the UK it is possible to listen live from the link above, and that a day or two after the broadcast a podcast will be available to download from <>.


-- Peter Keller                                    Tel.: +44 (0)1223 353033
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