Dear Colleagues


I’d appreciate your prompt reply on whether your institution has:


1)      Dedicated staff for Athena Swan related work e.g. coordinator/ officer etc. (or any staff that has part role in addition to their substantive job)?

2)      How many

3)      Full-time/ Part-time

4)      Duration of contract (e.g. 12 months/ 3 years etc)

5)      Location – central (where? In HR etc) or Department based

6)      Grade (if this easily known)


Thanks in advance




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Naseem Anwar

Equality and Diversity Manager

Student Experience and Enhancement Services

University of Strathclyde

Graham Hills Building, Room 439A, 50 George Street

Glasgow G1 1QE, Scotland

Email: [log in to unmask]

Tel: +44 (0)141 548 2811


The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263