

The department of Primary Care and Population Health (PCPH), UCL is offering three short courses on use and analysis of electronic health records 5 - 9 November 2012.

• An introduction to primary care databases

• Missing data and new methods for multiple imputation of longitudinal health records

• An introduction to Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES).

All three courses include a mixture of lectures and computer based practical sessions based on Stata 12.

Course 1: An introduction to Primary care databases
5 November

This course provides an introduction to analyses of primary care 
databases. The course material is developed around analyses of The 
Health Improvement Network, but participants can easily adapt the 
analyses and data management tools to other data sources. It is a 
practical course with a mixture of lectures and hands-on practical 

Course 2: Missing data and new methods for multiple imputation of longitudinal electronic health records 
6-7 November

This practical course will introduce participants to missing data issues 
in electronic health records such as primary care databases (THIN and 
GPRD), but the methods are also applicable to other datasets with 
longitudinal records. The course will provide a brief introduction to 
the statistical theory around missing data followed by hands-on 
practical sessions using the *ice* Stata command for multiple 
imputation and subsequent sessions using the newly developed algorithms 
to deal with multiple imputation of longitudinal records. Please notice 
some basic knowledge and practical experience with Stata will be an 
advantage for this course.

Course 3: An introduction to Hospital Episode Statistics
8 - 9 November

This practical course will introduce the participant to analyses using 
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), which describes episodes of care in 
the hospital sector. The course will be of interest to those considering 
analyses of HES either stand alone or in conjunction with primary care 
database. The practical sessions will be run in Stata, but the conceptual 
learning will be applicable across statistical analysis clients.

In hands-on sessions over 2 days, participants will develop analysis 
sets to address questions around length of stay, undertaking exercises 
designed to illustrate aspects of HES both in terms of potential and 
challenges. Participants will consider specific disease groupings, types 
of admission and its implications and linkage with ONS mortality 
statistics. We will end with a question and answer panel from recognised 
experts in the development of HES and its analysis.

General information and costs:
All three courses will be held in the Department of Primary Care and 
Population Health (PCPH), which is situated at the Royal Free Hospital, 
Hampstead in North London.

Costs: Course 1: £200 Course 2: £350 Course 3: £350, Course 1 + 2 = £500, 
Course 1 + 3 = £500,  Course 2 + 3 = £650 and Course 1 + 2 + 3 = £750

Registration and more information: