SCHOOL, June 26th-28th 2013, KEELE UNIVERSITY, UK


As increasing numbers of people worldwide live with one or more health problems, the study of prognosis has never been more important. Prognosis research provides information crucial to understanding, explaining and predicting future clinical outcomes in people with existing disease or health conditions. It provides pivotal evidence to inform outcome prediction, clinical decision making, design and evaluation of stratified medicine (stratified care), and all stages of translational research from molecular biology to health policy.


This 3-day summer school is designed to introduce the key components and uses of prognosis research to health professionals and researchers, including:

·        a framework of four different prognosis research questions: overall prognosis, prognostic factors, prognostic models, and stratified medicine

·        key principles of study design and methods

·        interpretation of statistical results about prognosis

·        the use of prognosis research evidence at multiple stages on the translational pathway toward improving patient outcome 

·        the limitations of current prognosis research, and how the field can be improved


The course consists of a mixture of seminars from a core faculty of epidemiologists, statisticians and clinical researchers; guest lectures from international experts in the field, including Prof Carl Moons (University Medical Centre Utrecht, Netherlands) and Prof Douglas Altman (University of Oxford); group work and case studies. Basic knowledge of epidemiology and statistics is assumed. The course is founded on a series of 4 articles on prognosis research due to appear in BMJ/PLoS Medicine in late 2012.


The course will take place on the rural campus of Keele University, and is hosted by the UK Medical Research Council’s PROGRESS (PROGnosis RESearch Strategy) Partnership for Prognosis Research, a partnership led by UCL (Harry Hemingway, Aroon Hingorani), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Pablo Perel, Ian Roberts), London Chest Hospital (Adam Timmis), and Universities of Birmingham (Richard Riley) and Keele (Peter Croft, Danielle van der Windt).


The course fee will be £795 in 2013 (including meals and 2 nights’ accommodation).

For further information and to book a place, please contact:

Sue Weir [log in to unmask]