

	Hi Jill


	I think it was Doug wrote about it yesterday and I started a long
reply that brought in the Opies and god knows what and then realised
that I was in the wrong editor -- I forward from one to the other at
present and keep doing it. I think I have my own jiscmail server just
to send me messages asking who I am

	I was thinking that very few games really do involve originality

	you learn the words and the actions and you do them

	films may throw this into relief when they become source

	anyway this morning I found I hadn't got or couldn't find that

	i had started to say as I realised that I couldn't send my message
that I had moved on to speaking of the mother; but as I began to
polish the line(s) I realised that I didn't need them or rather that
they got in the way

	or rather they began to turn the poem into a moralistic comment

	and there's far too much of that already


	and I am doing my best not to hum Two little boys by Rolf Harris


	thanks / best




Jill Jones [log in to unmask] [1] 
 09:10 (4 hours ago)  Reply



	Ah, that ending, that isn't

	 On 18/10/2012, at 2:16 AM, Lawrence Upton wrote:

 >       Snap
 >       Two boy children following mother.
 >       One boy utters a few strange words

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