


I am using the genie MC, but stopped using it since a year or so, now I 
am unable to compile it any more on my new machine (it crashes at the 
linking stage). Would you know about any incompatibilities, which would 
have appeared recently with a new version of one of the software or 
libraries used by genie?

The error message is puzzling to me since he misses some functions that 
seem to be correctly declared and linked. I past the error here in case 
you already know this problem or if I miss something obvious:

  > g++  -Wall -fPIC  -O2   -Wno-strict-aliasing -ffriend-injection -c 
gEvGen.cxx -I/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/root/include 
  > g++ -g gEvGen.o -L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/genie/lib 
-lGAlgorithm -lGBaryonResonance -lGBase -lGBodekYang -lGCharm -lGCoh 
-lGDfrc -lGDIS -lGCrossSections -lGDecay -lGElas -lGElFF -lGHEP 
-lGEVGCore -lGEVGModules -lGEVGDrivers -lGGiBUU -lGHadronTransp 
-lGFragmentation -lGInteraction -lGLlewellynSmith -lGMEC -lGMessenger 
-lGNuGamma -lGNuE -lGNtuple -lGNuclear -lGNumerical -lGQPM -lGPDG -lGPDF 
-lGQEL -lGRES -lGRegistry -lGReinSeghal -lGUtils -lGGeo -lGFluxDrivers 
-lGMuELoss  -L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/root/lib -lGui -lCore 
-lCint -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint 
-lPostscript -lMatrix -lPhysics -lMathCore -lThread -pthread -lm -ldl 
-rdynamic -lMinuit -lGeom -lEG -lEGPythia6 
-L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/pythia6/v6_412/lib -lPythia6   
-L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/RADGEN -lradgen 
/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/RADGEN/radgen.o  -L/cern/pro/lib -lpawlib 
-lpacklib -lkernlib -lmathlib 
-L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/lhapdf-5.8.8/install/lib -lLHAPDF  
-L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lxml2 
-L/projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/log4cpp/install/lib -llog4cpp  -lnsl  
-o /projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/genie/bin/gevgen
  > /projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/genie/lib/ 
undefined reference to `genie::AlgFactory::Instance()'
  > /projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/genie/lib/ undefined 
reference to `genie::GHepRecord::NEntries(int, int) const'
  > /projet/nucleon/dupre/Software/genie/lib/ undefined 
reference to `genie::NuclearData::DeuteriumSuppressionFactor(double)'
  > ...


Raphaël Dupré
Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay