


Dear Colleague,

This is the second announcement and call for abstracts for
 the thematic session ST21  on de topic


Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization


as part of  CNM_2013 Conference, Bilbao, Spain, 25-28 June 2013.


- The abstracts should have a maximum length of 250 words, following the templates available at the congress website (  together with the instructions for abstracts submission.


- Deadline for abstract submission is on October 15, 2012.


Session Aims and Scope

The purpose of this session is to bring together researchers who successfully develop techniques for solving structural and multidisciplinary optimization problems (single and multi-objective). We encourage new research into all aspects of the optimal design of structures as well as multidisciplinary design optimization where the involved disciplines deal with the analysis of solids, fluids or other field problems.


This special session aims to provide a forum for researchers from Theoretical developments for single or multi-objective optimization as well as their application for solving real engineering problems. Submissions presenting novel developments or critical reviews are welcome.


Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):

•             Optimization applications in automobile design, aircraft design, manufacturing, etc...

•             Numerical Optimization Techniques

•             Experimental Optimization Techniques

•             Shape and Topology Optimization

•             Structural Optimization

•             Surrogate-based Optimization

•             Multidisciplinary Optimization

•             Multi-objective Optimization

•             Robust and Reliability-based Design Optimization



Please email this call to anyone you think may be interested.


Best regards,


The session organizers


J.F. Aguilar Madeira

IDMEC/IST and ISEL, Portugal

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 H. C. Rodrigues

IDMEC/IST, Portugal

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Caro Colega


A data limite para a submissão de resumos para o CMN_2013 é 15 de Outubro de 2012.


No âmbito deste Congresso de Métodos Numéricos em Engenheira, que se realizará em Bilbao-Espanha, de 25 a 28 de Junho de 2013, promovido pela APMTAC – “Associação Portuguesa de Mecânica Teórica, Aplicada e Computacional” e pelo SEMNI – “Sociedad Española de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería”, venho convidá-lo a submeter um resumo na sessão temática


ST21: Optimização Estrutural e Multidisciplinar


que estou a organizar em colaboração com o Prof. Hélder Rodrigues do Instituto Superior Técnico. Esta sessão estará focada no desenvolvimento, análise e aplicação de técnicas de optimização (com ou sem derivadas, uni-objectivo ou multiobjectivo) Estrutural e Multidisciplinar.


Mais informação sobre o Congresso pode ser obtida em


Esperando que possa submeter o seu trabalho a esta sessão e agradecendo toda a sua colaboração, despeço-me com os meus melhores cumprimentos,


J. F. Aguilar Madeira


PS: Agradeço ainda a divulgação deste anúncio a todos os potenciais interessados.



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