Booking now open for Research Network on The Public History of Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (PHoSTEM)

A joint enterprise of the Science Museum, London; Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past, University of York; and the Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, funded under the AHRC science in culture emerging theme.

The popularity of historical leisure pursuits today is significant. Surveys show that more than 50% British adults express interest in learning more about family history. Television history programmes often have two million viewers, and historical magazines have monthly circulations of 80,000. This research network will explore the potential of this phenomenon for museums of science and technology to produce new kinds of historical exhibitions and events that display and interpret their historical collections more effectively. Simultaneously, it will look at the potential of these museums for successful history of science knowledge exchange from universities.

Attendance at all workshops is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Please e-mail [log in to unmask] ">[log in to unmask] to reserve a place.

Workshop 1 (The Walker Suite, National Railway Museum, York) 7 December 2012, 11:00-19:15:

Cultural change, material culture and public history

Three panels: On grass roots lay historical activity; on the experience of engaging with scientific heritage; and prospects & challenges for lay engagement in history. Speakers include: Ludmilla Jordanova (Kings College London), Mike Wilson (University College Falmouth), Hazel Edwards (Discovery Museum, Newcastle).


Workshop 2 (Brotherton Room, Brotherton Library, University of Leeds) 18th Jan 2013: 10:00 to 17:30

University engagement with museums and audiences

Three sessions explore: how historians of science and technology study audiences; approaches to audiences from media studies and museums; and case studies of historians of science working with museums. Speakers include: Jon Topham (HPS, University of Leeds), John Corner (Communication Studies, University of Leeds) and Iwan Rhys Morus (University of Aberystwyth). 

Workshop 3 (Science Museum Dana Centre, London): 12th April 2013: 10:00

Is science a special case in museology?

Sessions, building on the discussions at the previous meetings, will discuss: whether science and technology museums are intrinsically different from other kinds of museums; will compare whether science television differs from other kinds of programming; and report on various strands of co-production between lay groups and museums.

More information on the workshops will shortly appear on the Science Museum’s webpages: research.aspx


Dr Tim Boon,

Head of Resaerch & Public History,

The Science Museum,

Exhibition Road,



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