As is probably widely known by readers of this list, I do not too often disagree fundamentally with Stevan Harnad. There are exceptions. I disagree with him on a particular sentence in his message below (even though I suspect quite a few people are agreeing with him), where he says, about green OA: "I can stop wasting my time and energy trying to get us there, as I have been doing for nearly 20 years now!" It may be his perception, but I don't agree that he has wasted his time and energy on getting us to green OA. That doesn't mean he hasn't wasted his time. He has wasted his time and energy on portraying and insisting, ad nauseam, that green OA is the one and only – to the exclusion of any other – path to OA salvation, to reaching the Global Open Database (GOD). Instead of making the case for green OA in its own right, without slurs and imputations towards good-willing OA publishers and even towards those, such as funding bodies, who dare to take a position that doesn't include explicit hostility to gold OA.

And what a waste it was.

Jan Velterop

On 7 Oct 2012, at 13:29, Stevan Harnad wrote:

On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 7:30 AM, Sally Morris <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Stevan overlooks the difference between 'publishing' an article in a repository and in a journal.   As long as researchers prefer the latter (and there are lots of reasons why they seem to, in addition to peer review) then there will be a demand for journals in which to publish:  selection and collecting together of articles of particular relevance to a given audience, and of a certain range of quality;  'findability';  kudos of the journal's title (and impact factor);  copy-editing;  linking;  quality of presentation;  etc etc...
And peer review is in any case not a contextless operation.  The selection of articles for publication in journal X is a relative matter;  not just 'is the research soundly conducted and honestly reported?' but 'is it of sufficient relevance, interest and value to our readers in particular?'

I completely agree with Sally about peer review (it is a decision by qualified specialists about whether a paper meets a journal's established standards for quality as well as subject matter, as certified by the journal's title and track-record), and I explicitly say so in the longer commentaries of which I only posted an excerpt.

But that, of course, does not change a thing about the fact that peer review is merely a service, that can be unbundled from the many other products and services with which it is currently co-bundled. It certainly does not imply that in order for referees or editors to make a decision about journal subject matter, there has to exist a set of articles co-bundled in a monthly or quarterly collection, sold together as a product, online or on-paper!

As to the rest of the co-bundled products and services Sally mentions: If she's right, then journals have nothing to fear from Green OA mandates, since those only apply to the author's peer-reviewed, revised, accepted final draft. That's what's self-archived in the author's institutional repository. If all those other products and services are so important, then reaching 100% Green OA globally will not make subscriptions unsustainable, because the need, and hence the market, for all those other co-bundled products and services Sally mentioned will still be there.

The only difference will be that all users -- not just subscribers -- will have access to all peer-reviewed, revised, accepted final drafts. (That's Green OA, and once we are there, I can stop wasting my time and energy trying to get us there, as I have been doing for nearly 20 years now!) 

But then can I ask Sally, please, to call off her fellow publishers who have been relentlessly (and successfully) lobbying BIS not to mandate Green OA, and have been imposing embargoes on Green OA, on the (rather incoherent) argument that (1) Green OA is inadequate for researchers' needs and has already proved to be a failure and (2) that if Green OA succeeded it would destroy publishing, peer review, and research quality?

Otherwise this (incoherent) argument becomes something of a self-fulfilling prophecy, and we have the Finch/RCUK fiasco to show for it.

Stevan Harnad

Sally Morris
South House, The Street, Clapham, Worthing, West Sussex, UK  BN13 3UU
Tel:  +44 (0)1903 871286

From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Stevan Harnad
Sent: 06 October 2012 23:12
To: Global Open Access List (Successor of AmSci)
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [GOAL] Re: Open Access in the UK: Reinventing the Big Deal

Publisher Wheeling and Dealing: Open Access Via National and Global McNopoly?

Excerpted from more extensive comments on the Poynder/Velterop Interview here and here.

Jan Velterop: “a shift to an author-side payment for the service of arranging peer review and publication is a logical one”

The service of arranging peer review I understand.

But what’s the rest? What’s “Arranging publication”? Once a paper has been peer-reviewed, revised and accepted, what’s left for publishers to do (for a fee) that authors can’t do for free (by depositing the peer-reviewed, revised, accepted paper in their institutional repository)?

And how to get there, from here -- and at a fair price for just peer review alone? Publishers won’t unbundle, downsize and renounce revenue until there’s no more market for the extras and their costs – and Green OA is what will put paid to that market. Pre-emptive Gold payment, while subscriptions are still being paid, will not – and especially not hybrid Gold.

JV: “‘Hybrid OA’ doesn’t exist. It is just “gold” OA. OA in a hybrid journal is the same as OA in a fully OA journal for any given article.”

Gold OA is indeed Gold OA whether the journal is hybrid or pure (and whether the Gold is Gratis or CC-BY)

But “hybrid” does not refer to a kind of OA, it refers to a kind of journal: the kind that charges both subscriptions and (optionally) Gold OA fees.

That kind of journal certainly exists; and they certainly can and do double-dip. And that’s certainly an expensive way to get (Gratis) Gold OA.

And the Finch/RCUK policy will certainly encourage many if not all journals to go hybrid Gold, and publishers, to maximize their chances of making an extra 6% revenue from the UK, will in turn jack up their Green embargoes past RCUK’s permissible limits.

JV: “The “double-dipping” argument is a red herring. There's… a notion that subscription prices should be proportional to the number of articles in a journal. How would that work? There are journals with 100 subscribers… and… with thousands of subscribers [and] & 25 articles a year & 25 or more articles a week.”

Double-dipping is not about the number articles or subscribers a journal has, but about charging subscriptions and, in addition, charging, per article, for Gold OA. That has nothing to do with number of articles, journals or subscribers: It’s simply double-charging.

JV: “The cost, and… revenue, of an individual article can only usefully… be expressed as an average, and then probably company-wide. What would otherwise be the situation for a loss-making hybrid journal that receives in one year 10% of its articles as gold, and the next year only 2%? Impossible to work out. A subscription system is inherently lacking in transparency”

Nothing of the sort, and extremely simple, for a publisher who really does not want to double-dip, but to give all excess back as a rebate:

Count the total number of articles, N, and the total subscription revenue, S.

From that you get the revenue per article: S/N.

Hybrid Gold OA income is than added to that total revenue (say, at a fee of S/N per article).

That means that for k Gold OA articles, total hybrid journal revenue is S + kS/N.

And if the journal really wants to reduce subscriptions proportionately, at the end of the year, it simply sends a rebate to each subscribing institution:

Suppose there are U subscribing institutions. Each one gets a year-end rebate of kS/UN (regardless of the yearly value of k, S, U or N).

(Alternatively, if the journal wants to give back all of the rebate only to the institutions that actually paid for the extra Gold, don’t charge subscribing institutions for Gold OA at all: But that approach shows most clearly why and how this pre-emptive morphing scheme for a transition from subscriptions to hybrid Gold to pure Gold is unscaleable and unsustainable, hence incoherent. It is an Escher impossible figure, either way, because collective subscriptions/“memberships” – including McNopolies -- only make sense for co-bundled incoming content; for individual pieces of outgoing content the peer-review service costs must be paid by the individual piece. There are at least 20,000 research-active institutions on the planet and at least 25,000 peer-reviewed journals, publishing several million individual articles per year. No basis – or need --for a pre-emptive cartel/consortium McNopoly.)

JV: “If journals should reduce their subscription price when they get a percentage of papers paid for as gold, what should happen if they lose the same percentage (for completely different reasons) of subscriptions?”

Less Gold – the value of the year-end institutional rebate -- kS/UN – is less that year.

JV: “What if a journal which decided to go hybrid has published a steady amount of 50 articles a year for ages and all of a sudden attracts an extra 10 gold OA articles? By how much should it reduce its subscription price?”

By exactly10S/50U per subscribing institution U.

JV: “If an article is worth £2,000 to have published with OA in a full-OA journal, why is it not worth the same £2,000 if published in a hybrid journal?”

Simple answer: it’s not worth the price either way. Both prices are grotesquely inflated. No-fault peer review should cost about $100-200 per round…

Stevan Harnad

Excerpted from more extensive comments on the Poynder/Velterop Interview here and here.

On 2012-10-02, at 5:00 AM, Richard Poynder wrote:

Love it or loathe it, the recently announced Open Access policy from Research Councils UK has certainly divided the OA movement. Despite considerable criticism, however, RCUK has refused to amend its policy.
So what will be its long-term impact?
Critics fear that RCUK has opened the door to the reinvention of the Big Deal. Pioneered by Academic Press in 1996, the Big Deal involves publishers selling large bundles of electronic journals on multi-year contracts. Initially embraced with enthusiasm, the Big Deal is widely loathed today.
However, currently drowned out by the hubbub of criticism, there are voices that support the RCUK policy. Jan Velterop, for instance, believes it will be good for Open Access.
Velterop also believes that the time is ripe for the creation of a New Big Deal (NBD). The NBD would consist of “a national licensing agreement” that provided researchers with free-at-the-point-of-use access to all the papers sitting behind subscription paywalls, *plus* a “national procurement service” that provided free-at-the-point-of-use OA publishing services for researchers, allowing them to publish in OA journals without having to foot the bill themselves. 
Velterop’s views are not to be dismissed lightly. Former employee of Elsevier, Springer and Nature, Velterop was one of the small group of people who attended the 2001 Budapest meeting that saw the birth of the Open Access movement, and he was instrumental in the early success of OA publisher BioMed Central.
Moreover, during his time at Academic Press, Velterop was a co-architect of the original Big Deal.
More on this, and a Q&A with Velterop, can be read here:

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