Sorry, I'm not sure that I know the answer.  It doesn't sound like you had a baseline task to do the calculation.  Maybe somebody else has an idea.


On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:10 AM, Riccardo Navarra <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Jeanette,
sorry, I was cryptic :)

I have a time-course (TR=2s, 120 volumes = 4 epoch x 30 volumes). I got average:

fslroi time-course epoch_1 0 30
fslroi time-course epoch_2 30 30
fslroi time-course epoch_3 60 30
fslroi time-course epoch_4 90 30
fslmaths epoch_1 -add epoch_2 -add epoch_3 -add epoch_4 -div 4 average_epoch

Now, for every voxel, I need the %bold signal = ( peak - baseline ) / baseline.

By assuming that baseline is equal to first average_epoch volume for that voxel, I can't get the peak value because the peak is not merely the maximum.

I can with Matlab but I'd like to use only free software.
Is there a tool in fsl to get %bold signal?

