

Dear Sarah,

I am currently leading a national project funded by the Office for Learning and Teaching (formerly the Australian Learning and Teaching Council) investigating the impact of WIL on student employment-readiness. We are conducting a suite of studies two of which involve the use of measures of employability using self-ratings of 18 key employability skills. Those 18 are a distillation of circa 40 constructs identified in literature and through a qualitative study of alumni. The distillation process itself was a worthwhile exercise because it involved making tough but necessary decisions and compromises around what constructs we included in the study (and what measures would be best for those constructs) and what were to be left out - and re-confirmed the suspicion that the idea of employability is so wide-ranging and in some senses ill-defined (analogous to the question 'what makes a good citizen' in some ways - just too big and vague) that it is not a measureable singularity but a rubric and catch-all term for a multi-dimensional collection of abilities; and that is putting aside the other concerns that Len Holmes reminds us to have about the idea. We are about to conduct the first of the studies using the measures we have selected so I cannot report on the psycholmetrics of that collection, but I'm happy to discuss further with you in the ensuing weeks.  

You can find out more about the project here:

Kind regards,

 "We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." T.S. Eliot
Calvin Smith, PhD
Griffith Institute for Higher Education
Griffith University
Mt Gravatt Campus
Messines Rd Mt Gravatt, QLD, AUSTRALIA, 4111

email: [log in to unmask]
mob: 0431 850 500
Project leader: Assessing the Impact of WIL project:
Read about Design-focused evaluation here:
Design-focused evaluation article...

On 15 October 2012 23:46, Sara Briscoe <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

We are currently looking at developing a student survey relating to confidence in their own 'employability'.  I am well aware of the minefield surrounding this issue but  we do however feel that a stable survey measure may shed some light on the student 'employablility' jigsaw.   We would look to run such a survey over successive years in order to get a longtitudinal view.  I had some interesting information from UCLan at the Pedagogy for Employablity one day worskhop run by Ruth last Summer.  Is there anyone else devloping such a measure - or have any thoughts? We are quite happy to share are developments.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Kind regards

Sara Briscoe
Principal Lecturer ( Student Experience)
Teaching & Learning Fellow