
Thanks for pointing this out. Very important. Of course there are a lot of mistakes in the survey - no excuses but I did write it in 5-10 minutes.

The most interesting results are appearing from the open-ended question, but the main ones of most importance are the 'voting' questions.

Last time I checked, the majority do NOT want to split the list, but views on the need to improve/change, etc. are mixed.

Thanks again Tucker and all those who answered, commented, pointed out deficiencies, and sent supportive emails.

After the 8th November, I'll post the main results. A document with the anonymous views [data] would also (hopefully) be available soon (ok, well, as soon as possible) and if you want it, just send me a personal email to [log in to unmask] and I will send it.

Please email me personally to avoid littering the list with mundane correspondence.