

Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies

1-3 July 2013 at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands


(and CALL FOR PAPERS see below)

The Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies will be held 1-3 July 2013 at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, hosted by the Faculty of Spatial Sciences. After the success of the first three conferences (in Lancaster, UK, 2002; Kingston, Canada, 2006; and Adelaide, Australia, 2010), this fourth conference provides a forum for a range of people from different disciplinary backgrounds as well as societal partners and artists to creatively explore the role of emotion in thinking about and experiencing space and society.

We are facing spatial and social transformations as a result of climate change, financial crises, geopolitical instabilities and digital revolutions, which evoke emotional responses. These events led Vermeulen and Van den Akker (2010) to introduce the concept of metamoderism; a “spacetime that is … neither ordered nor disordered” (p.12) and that is characterized by the oscillation “between a modern enthusiasm and a postmodern irony, between hope and melancholy, between naïveté and knowingness, empathy and apathy, unity and plurality, totality and fragmentation, purity and ambiguity” (p.5-6).

We seek papers that investigate the multiplicity of spaces and places that produce and are produced by emotional and affective life, representing an inclusive range of theoretical and methodological engagements with emotion as a social, cultural and spatial phenomenon. Themes include but are not limited to: migration, landscapes, development, governance, arts, ageing, embodiment, cities, population decline, ruralities, wellbeing, real estate, non-human actors, memory, entrepreneurship, methods.

Key note speakers:

Rosi Braidotti (University of Utrecht)

Nigel Thrift (University of Warwick)

Divya Tolia-Kelly (Durham University)

Timotheus Vermeulen (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Robin van den Akker (Erasmus University)


Extended deadline for session proposals: November 5th, 2012

Deadline for abstracts: January 20th, 2013


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The following sessions have already been accepted, and cfps are available for most (see the conference website or the FB group). You are also invited to submit abstracts for open sessions (deadline January 20th 2013):

  1. Love and migration [PDF] (Karin Haandrikman and Maria Brandén, Stockholm University)- CFP
  2. Depopulation and fatalism [PDF] (Nina Conkova and Tialda Haartsen, University of Groningen)- CFP
  3. Geographies of Desire [PDF] (Alex Fanghanel (UCL) and Jason Lim (QMUL))- CFP
  4. Riding through space: exploring motion and emotion on the back of a horse [PDF] (Rhys Evans, Norwegian University College of Agriculture and Rural Development)- CFP
  5. The Hometown in the Everyday:Geographies of Nostalgia within Diasporic Populations [PDF] (Anindita Datta, University of Delhi and Ajay Bailey, University of Groningen)- CFP
  6. Entrepreneurship: attitudes, motivation and place [PDF] (Aleid Brouwer and Inge Noback, University of Groningen, Veronique Schutjens, University of Utrecht)- CFP
  7. Absent Presences and Present Absences: Spectral, spiritual, and therapeutic spaces in research [PDF] (Liz Bondi, University of Edinburgh)- call closed
  8. Exploring the emotion of alternative communities: theorizing new forms of communal organisation [PDF] ( Helen Jarvis, Newcastle University, United Kingdom; Dallas Rogers, University of Western Sydney, Australia; Wendy Steele, Griffith University, Australia)- CFP
  9. Working with emotion? Critical approaches to spaces of work [PDF] (Kye Askins, Northumbria University, UK; Neil Nunn, University of British Columbia, Canada)- CFP
  10. Feelings Inside: Emotional and embodied geographies of ‘the bodily interior’ [PDF] (Rachel Colls and Abi McNiven, Durham University, UK)- CFP
  11. Emotional geographies of food justice [PDF] (Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando Bosco, San Diego State University)- CFP

  12. Sounds and Emotions [PDF] (Karolina Doughty, University of Brighton and Maja Lagerqvist, Stockholm University)- CFP

  13. Public art and architecture as irritation: Mediating politics, emotions and space [PDF] (Martijn Duineveld & Martin Zebracki, Wageningen University)- CFP

  14. Emotions in fieldwork [PDF] (Katy Bennett, University of Leicester and Bettina van Hoven, University of Groningen)- CFP

  15. Emotional governance? New geographies of social policy and state intervention [PDF] (Eleanor Jupp, The Open University; Jessica Pykett, University of Birmingham; Fiona Smith, University of Dundee)- CFP

  16. Emotional and affective temporalities of everyday life [PDF] ( Jayne Sellick, Durham University, UK; Sophie Edwards, Gentry Hanks and Katie Hemsworth, Queens University, Kingston, Canada)- CFP

  17. The Medical Waiting Room as Embodied Space: Art, Illness and Healing [PDF] ( Marguerite Perret, Washburn University)- CFP

  18. Regional identity and (tourism) development [PDF] (Dirk Strijker and Tialda Haartsen, University of Groningen)- CFP

  19. Children’s Emotional Geographies: Practical and Policy Matters? [PDF] ( Matej Blazek, Loughborough University and Peter Kraftl, University of Leicester, UK)- CFP

  20. Geographies of sexuality: Bodies, spatial encounters, and emotions [PDF] (Martin Zebracki, Wageningen University and Valerie De Craene, KU Leuven)- CFP

  21. House, Home & Living conditions of older adults [PDF] (Aleid Brouwer and Louise Meijering, University of Groningen)- CFP

  22. Affective density: Interrogating the qualities produced by affective magnitude in networks [PDF] (Iulian Barba Lata, Michael Marchman, and Lauren Wagner, Wageningen Cultural Geography)- CFP