

I would like to announce that the book:



edited by Alenka Selih and Ales Zavrsnik was published by Springer recently this year, see:


The book "Crime and Transition in Central and Eastern Europe" "charts social transformations which were born out of profound seismic shifts and turmoil, the unsettling of the existing social and political structures and, in the case of former Yugoslavia, even warfare." (Foreward by Katja Franko Aas).

During the past twenty years, many partial analyses of the crime problem in general in the Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have been set forward; many of them by foreign scholars. We, authors of the book, felt that researchers from CEE countries themselves should bring together their experiences and present their views on the changes that occurred and their explanations for those changes. It was felt that the analyses and views published abroad differed from those of researchers who were born and based in the CEE countries themselves, and that this difference should be noted and explored.

Perpetual online access to the book is available for purchase on the site:


where you can freely inspect list of authors, table of contents and some book prelims. The e-book version of the volume and its individual chapters are also available for purchase and download.

Best wishes,

Ales Zavrsnik

Ales Zavrsnik, LL.D., Assistant Professor
Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law, Ljubljana
Poljanski nasip 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana


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