Integrating resource
A new description is required when an integrating resource is re-based,  This means, when the whole content is reissued.  In the case of  AACR2 the 2002 Revision warrants a new description as it was re-based in 2002. Subsequent updates or iterations are recorded by editing that description.  This includes changes affecting identification of the work ( which are reflected by amending the authorised access point representing the work. 
Superseded titles are recorded as  Earlier title proper - MARC =247 Earlier Title.
There is some debate about the best way of recording the date of publication (this is a coding isssue not an RDA issue), The question is whether to upate the currect 264 $c to reflect the date of the most recent update.  This seems logical to me...
Editorial responsibility for AACR rests with the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR, making them the creator.
I would certainly  give authorised access points for the na\tional associations (ALA; CLA and CIILIP)  who own AACR2, with  relationship issuing body, but note BL is currently trying to clear up some ambiguity regarding this relationship designator..
I would not give authorised access points on the description for the 2002 revision from Gorman and Winkler, but I would record the relationsbip to the the 2nd Edition.-- as an unstructured  description (or note, as we used to call them)
Multiple publishers If there is more than one publisher record them in the order indicated by sequence,layout or typography; the core requirement is to record the first only.  So either record
American Library Association; Canadian Library Association; Facet Publishing for Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
or just the core requirement
American Library Association