

Dear Mia,

the second picture remind me of Moehringia trinervia

Best regards


Frédérique Durand
Membre associé UMR 5608 Traces
maison de la recherche
5 allées A. Machado
31058 TOULOUSE Cedex 9
05 61 50 45 65

Le 02/10/2012 09:51, Mia Lempiäinen-Avci a écrit :
> Dear all,
> Could you help me to identify these seeds and other remains on attached pictures.
> They are from a shipwreck called Vrouw Maria (Lady Mary), she was a Dutch merchant ship carrying a valuable cargo of art objects and sank on 1771, in the outer archipelago of Finland.
> All remains are from wooden barrels. Vrouw Maria was loaded with precious artifacts including works of art belonging to Catherine the Great of Russia.
> The ship set sail from Amsterdam on September 5, 1771, for Saint Petersburg.
> Pictures A and B are same seeds, B is after removing the fruit.
> Thank you in advance!
> - Mia
>   ********************************************
> Mia Lempiäinen-Avci, MA
> PhD student
> Herbarium
> University of Turku
> Finland