

Dear All

Please could I reconfirm/add more specific queue information for the following:

RAL Tier-1

EMI-2 SL5 queue consisting of 4 worker nodes (32 job slots in total). It's behind the "gridTest" queue available on each CE:

EMI2/SL5 CREAM, TORQUE and WN with 1 node, 10 slots (available for testing from 2/09). Queue name?

EMI2 on SL5 test system behind the CE ''.
It's an EMI 2 on SL5 Cream CE, with a pair of 8-core EMI 2 on SL5 worker nodes (so a grand total of sixteen cores).

EMI-1 Cream, EMI-1 WN, glexec, Argus): dc2-grid-68, dc2-grid-70, dgc-grid-43

Simone Campana agreed yesterday to push ATLAS test jobs (production and analysis) to our EMI WNs in order to confirm with us a view that he holds that ATLAS does not have problems with EMI-1 or EMI-2 WNs. The problems that create some confusion in many discussions in his view stem instead from EMI service node issues and particularly with the more recent SE releases. Rather than speculate I'd like that we test and observe. 

Beyond SL5
One test cluster available at UKI-LT2-Brunel:  EMI-2 Cream (with glexec) running on SL6. It is dc2-grid-65 and has 16 job slots. 

The tests are not really for SL6 at the moment. ATLAS still needs to be sure that Athena builds correctly on SL6. However, if we can make the VOs aware of queues they can use for SL6 testing it will help reduce delays later!
