Dear All,

Conditions and Restrictions for work in close proximity to INEOS Pipelines

Following on from the results of an investigation into a recent incident involving archaeologists on site with a high pressure oil pipeline I have been asked to circulate the attached to everyone asap to raise awareness of this issue. The pipelines in question are in the central belt and borders area.

Given the risks involved, and the legal requirement to notify, it is imperative that you look over these guidelines and are familiar with the locations of any pipelines that affect your areas. Should you require it INEOS can provide free awareness sessions to go over the procedures. Please feel free to forward on to others, including our colleagues in the private sector.

For ALGAO Members, I have accepted an offer from INEOS to attend a short time slot in the afternoon of the 30th Nov during our next meeting to go over this.

Apologies for any cross-posting,


Bruce Mann MA MIFA FSA Scot
Infrastructure Services
Aberdeenshire Council

Tel: 01224 664731 Internal 725 4731
Fax: 01224 664679
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Archaeology Service for Aberdeenshire, Moray & Angus Councils

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