



At the Council Meeting in November 2011, our Hon. Secretary Jane Keskar told us that she would like to step down from this role as soon as she can, and certainly before December 2013. Jane has now been doing this work for over 10 years, and would now like time to follow her other commitments more actively, before it is too late! Unfortunately no-one has come forward as yet so please would anyone willing to take over, contact Jane, who will be happy to answer any queries.

        The Kipling Council is an effective team who support the Honorary Secretary with their knowledge and enthusiasm, making this role enjoyable and less onerous.  



1.     The Honorary Secretary liaises with the Chairman about the Agenda for the bi-monthly meetings and the AGM, and sends it out with the Minutes to Council Officers. 

2.     The task of taking minutes during meetings has been greatly simplified by the advent of the computer and e-mail and other Officers are happy to share the task of minute taking. Also, the Honorary Officers give their reports to the Secretary in advance. These are included in an Appendix to the Minutes, and will include the Secretary's report. 

3.     As the home address of the Honorary Secretary becomes the Society's official address, the Secretary forwards any correspondence for other Council Officers. Here, too, e-mail makes communications between the Honorary Officers of the Society and Members simple and fast.

4.     Liaison with the Chairman and the Meetings Secretary is essential to choose a Guest Speaker for the Annual Luncheon. The Luncheon is held at the Royal Over-Seas League with whom the Secretary liaises about the arrangements for the Luncheon and regular meetings. The Meetings Secretary chooses speakers for the bi-monthly meetings and he and the Honorary Secretary send details of future meetings to the Editor of the Journal.

5.     In the past volunteers have released the Secretary from organising the Annual Luncheon and there is no reason why this task cannot be shared. 

Jane Keskar