

OK, OK, Patrick-o - :-)

Flowers exert pressure on the breeze

the air is wheezy, a strange grain.

The way skin disturbs movements of sweat

but the wind’s honest, a tempered sign.


Low sweet singing around gardenias

ends of edges oscillating in waves.

Hear the smoky breath of daily nostalgia

dreamt in Australian ways.


On 26/09/2012, at 8:20 PM, Patrick McManus wrote:

> So wake up call sleepy heads 
> here you all are blathering, whimpering ,simpering on about all sorts of
> toady boring dead old poetry stuff!! 
> but where is the reality the magic that of pen to paper??----- the SNAPS
> Even David B or Finns or Ozzers  even Americans, Canadians   !!
> Patric k Snapper 
> Ps I can't do this on my own (or can I?-yes! no problem