

Good afternoon colleagues,

Thank you to those who have replied to my enquiry in July about supplying copies from stock services to library members. So far all the replies I have not differentiation is made between customers who are working out in the community and staff who are hospital based, the same service and expectations are applied to all.

To check if there is an alternative set up being used by any libraries:

Are there any library/information services where there is a distinction made or different level or type of service provided for supplying copies from stock to community based/off-site customers (as part of an outreach service) and supplying copies to onsite hospital based customers?
If you do provide a slightly different service for different customers like this, and are willing to share information, please could you send me information on:
1.	Reason for there being a differentiation in service (e.g. customers are from different organisations with different SLA agreement stipulations, funding is provided by one organisation but not another)
2.	How your service works from a customer point of view
3.	How your service works from the library/information service staff point of view  - procedures/processes followed when dealing with a request
4.	Prices charged (if any) 
5.	How you deal with any requests which cross over with other services you provide (e.g. ILL services)
6.	Any particular pros and cons you have experienced from running this service.
7.	Anything else that may be worth bearing in mind.

Any information would be useful in helping us decide the best way to set up and run this service. 
I will share the responses to the list if possible, so please indicate on any information you send if you do not want the information to be shared with the list.

I hope to send round feedback to the list with regard to this and my previous enquiry early in October when I may be able to include what we at the Health Library decide to do, in case it is of use to other libraries who may thinking of setting up such a service.

Many thanks,

Frances Griffiths
Frances Griffiths
Health Library Deputy Manager
Health Library
Clinical Education Centre
University Hospital of North Staffordshire
Newcastle Road
Tel: 01782 679591
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